01: Introduction to metaRange
Fallert, S. and Cabral, J.S.
In general, metaRange
is a framework to build a variety
of different process based species distribution models. The package is
build around an simulation
object that manages the
simulation state. This simulation object contains an
that holds and manages all the environmental
factors that may influence the simulation (as raster data) and it can
contain one or more species
that are simulated in the
environment. Each species has two main characteristics:
which can be (somewhat arbitrary) pieces of data
that describe the species and processes
which are functions
that describe how the species interacts with itself, time, climate and
other species. During each time step of the simulation, the processes
are executed in a user defined order and can access and modify the
species traits.
While the models built with metaRange can be quite variable in their
structure, they are all based on population dynamics. This means that in
most cases a trait
will not be a singular number but a
matrix that has the same size as the raster data in the environment,
where each value represents the trait value for one population in the
corresponding grid cell of the of the environment. Based on this, most
will describe population (and meta population)
dynamics and not individual based mechanisms. Figure 1 shows an example
of some of the different envionmental factors, species traits and
processes that could be included in a simulation.
Figure 1: Example of some of the different envionmental factors, species traits and processes that could be included in a simulation.
process priority queue
to determine in which
order the processes are executed within one time step.
Figure 2: Overview of the different components of a simulation and how they interact with each other. Note that the number of species & processes per species is not limited, but only two are shown for simplicity.
Setting up a simulation
Following is a simple example of how to set up a simulation with
. To start, we need to load the package and its
Loading the landscape
The first step when setting up a simulation is the loading of the environment in which the simulation will take place. In the real world, this data can be obtained from a variety of sources, and may include for example different climate variables, land cover or elevation.
The simulations expects this data as an
) which is a collection
of different raster files that all share the same extent and resolution.
Each sub-dataset in this SDS represents one environmental variable and
each layer represents one time step of the simulation. In other words,
metaRange doesn’t simulate the environmental conditions itself, but
expects the user to provide the environmental data for each time
To create such an dataset one can use the function
. One important note: Since the layer represent
the condition in one time step, all the raster files that go into the
need to have the same number of layer (i.e. the desired
number of time steps the simulation should have). After the
is created, the individual subdatasets should be named,
since this is how the simulation will refer to them.
To simplify this introduction, we use a randomly generated landscape
consisting of temperature, precipitation and habitat quality data, with
10 time steps (layer) that are all the same (i.e. no environmental
change). If you are interested, you can find the code to generate this
landscape at the end of this vignette, but otherwise it’s enough to know
that throughout this tutorial create_example_landscape()
does create such a landscape.
landscape <- create_example_landscape()
#> class : SpatRasterDataset
#> subdatasets : 3
#> dimensions : 100, 100 (nrow, ncol)
#> nlyr : 10, 10, 10
#> resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
#> extent : 0, 100, 0, 100 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. :
#> source(s) : memory
#> names : temperature, precipitation, habitat
col = hcl.colors(100, "Geyser"),
main = "Temperature [K]")

Figure 3: The temperature of the example landscape. Only the first layer of 10 identical ones is shown.
col = hcl.colors(100, "GnBu", rev = TRUE),
main = "Precipitation [mm]")

Figure 4: The precipitation of the example landscape. Only the first layer of 10 identical ones is shown.
main = "Habitat quality [0-1]")

Figure 5: The habitat quality of the example landscape. Only the first layer of 10 identical ones is shown.
Before creating the simulation, it may be helpful to enable extensive reporting, which will print out a lot of information each time a metaRange function is called. This can be enabled or disabled at any time (i.e. also while the simulation is running), but in order to highlight what each function call in this tutorial does, we enable it at the beginnig of the setup.
# 0 = no reporting
# 1 = a bit of info
# 2 = very verbose
Creating the simulation
After the landscape is loaded, the simulation can be created using
the create_simulation()
function. The only required
argument is source_environment
which is the landscape /
environment SDS
that was created in the first step. One can
optionally specify an ID for the simulation and a seed for the random
number generator.
sim <- create_simulation(
source_environment = landscape,
ID = "example_simulation",
seed = 1)
#> number of time steps: 10
#> time step layer mapping: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
#> added environment
#> class : SpatRasterDataset
#> subdatasets : 3
#> dimensions : 100, 100 (nrow, ncol)
#> nlyr : 10, 10, 10
#> resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
#> extent : 0, 100, 0, 100 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. :
#> source(s) : memory
#> names : temperature, precipitation, habitat
#> created simulation: example_simulation
If you want to inspect the simulation object, you can either print
it, to lists its fields and methods or use the summary()
function to get an overview of the simulation state.
#> metaRangeSimulation object
#> Fields:
#> $ID
#> $globals
#> $environment
#> $number_time_steps
#> $time_step_layer
#> $current_time_step
#> $queue
#> $processes
#> $seed
#> Species: none
#> Methods:
#> $species_names()
#> $add_globals()
#> $add_species()
#> $add_traits()
#> $add_process()
#> $begin()
#> $exit()
#> $set_current_time_step()
#> $set_time_layer_mapping()
#> $print()
#> $summary()
#> ID: example_simulation
#> Environment:
#> class : SpatRasterDataset
#> subdatasets : 3
#> dimensions : 100, 100 (nrow, ncol)
#> nlyr : 10, 10, 10
#> resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
#> extent : 0, 100, 0, 100 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. :
#> source(s) : memory
#> names : temperature, precipitation, habitat
#> Time step layer mapping: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#> Current time step: 1
#> Seed: 1
#> Species:
#> Simulation level processes:
#> Gobal variables:
#> Queue:
#> At process: 0 out of: 0
#> Remaining queue:
#> --- empty
#> Future (next time step) queue:
#> --- empty
Adding species to the simulation
After the simulation is created, species can be added to it using the
function. At this point one has to switch to
the earlier mentioned R6 syntax. This means that
is a method of the simulation
object and can be called using the $
operator (i.e. by
indexing the simulation object and calling a function that is stored
inside of it). The only required argument is name
which is
the name of the species that will be added.
sim$add_species(name = "species_1")
#> adding species
#> Name: species_1
This species can now be accessed by using the $
#> Species: species_1
#> processes:
#> traits:
#> character(0)
If you want to add more species, you can just repeat the
sim$add_species(name = "species_2")
#> adding species
#> Name: species_2
If you are at any point wondering which, or how many species are in
the simulation, you can use the species_names()
#> [1] "species_2" "species_1"
Adding traits to species
After species are added to the simulation, traits can be asigned to
them using the add_traits()
method. This function is able
to add (multiple) traits to multiple species at once, which is useful
when setting up a large number of species with the same traits. The
first argument is species
which is a character vector of
the species names to which the trait should be assigned to. The second
argument is population_level
, which decides on what “level”
the trait should be added. If TRUE
, the trait will be
expanded to fill the whole landscape (i.e. one value per population).
All following arguments can be supplied in the form of
trait_name = trait_value
species = c("species_1", "species_2"),
population_level = TRUE,
abundance = 500,
climate_suitability = 1,
reproduction_rate = 0.3,
carrying_capacity = 1000
# ...
# Note that here could be more traits, there is no limit
#> adding traits:
#> [1] "abundance" "climate_suitability" "reproduction_rate"
#> [4] "carrying_capacity"
#> to species:
#> [1] "species_1" "species_2"
Some traits may not require to be stored at the population level,
e.g. if they are a property of the species as a whole. In this case,
can be set to FALSE
and the
trait will be added as-is, without further processing. For this example
we assume that both species have the same dispersal kernel that it is
constant over the whole landscape (i.e. the same for each population).
In case one is unfamiliar with the concept of dispersal kernels, a good
introduction is “Nathan,
R., Klein, E., Robledo-Arnuncio, J.J. & Revilla, E. (2012) Dispersal
kernels: review” [Ref. 1], but on a basic level, a dispersal kernel
is a matrix that describes the dispersal probability from a source
population to its surrounding habitat. We can use the function
to create such a dispersal
kernel and then add it to both species. Note that we can call
directly in the
species = c("species_1", "species_2"),
population_level = FALSE,
dispersal_kernel = calculate_dispersal_kernel(
# in grid cells
max_dispersal_dist = 3,
# the function to use to calculate the kernel values
kfun = negative_exponential_function,
# in grid cells
mean_dispersal_dist = 1
#> adding traits:
#> [1] "dispersal_kernel"
#> to species:
#> [1] "species_1" "species_2"
Assuming we are interested to find out how the two species would inhabit our landscape, we can give both of them different environmental preferences for the two envionmental variables in the simulation environment (temperature & precipitation). Note that the names of the traits are arbitrary and can be chosen by the user and that there is no predetermined connection between e.g. “min_temperature” and the temperature variable in the environment. It is the responsibility of the species processes (therfore of the user) to access the correct traits and use them in the correct way, which is why meaningfull trait names are important.
species = "species_1",
population_level = FALSE,
max_temperature = 300, # Kelvin
optimal_temperature = 288,
min_temperature = 280,
max_precipitation = 1000, # mm
optimal_precipitation = 700,
min_precipitation = 200
#> adding traits:
#> [1] "max_temperature" "optimal_temperature" "min_temperature"
#> [4] "max_precipitation" "optimal_precipitation" "min_precipitation"
#> to species:
#> [1] "species_1"
species = "species_2",
population_level = FALSE,
max_temperature = 290,
optimal_temperature = 285,
min_temperature = 270,
max_precipitation = 1000,
optimal_precipitation = 500,
min_precipitation = 0
#> adding traits:
#> [1] "max_temperature" "optimal_temperature" "min_temperature"
#> [4] "max_precipitation" "optimal_precipitation" "min_precipitation"
#> to species:
#> [1] "species_2"
Adding processes
After the species and their traits are added, the processes that
describe the species interaction with their environment can be added,
using the add_processes()
method. The arguments are:
which is a character vector of the species that
should get the process, process_name
which is a human
readable name for the process and process_fun
which is the
function that will be executed when the process is called. One argument
that might be confusing is the execution_priority
. This is
a number that gives the process a priority “weight” and decides in which
order the processes are executed within one time step. The smaller the
number, the earlier the process will be executed (e.g. 1 gets executed
before 2). In the case two processes have the same priority, it is
assumed that they are independent from each other and that their
execution order doesn’t matter. They will be executed in alphabetical
order. (Technical note: Don’t count on this behavior, it may change in
the future. Equal priority means it should not matter in what order they
are executed).
In this example we will first add three basic processes to each
species, one for estimating the suitability of a habitat cell, one that
calculates the population growth and one that describes the dispersal.
To calculate the suitability, we use the metaRange function
that was adapted from a formula
published by Yin
et al. in 1995 [Ref. 2] and simplified by Yan and Hunt in 1999
(eq:4) [Ref. 3]. The formula takes the three cardinal values of
environmental niche (minimum tolerable value, optimal vale and maximum
tolerable value) and constructs a suitability curve based on a beta
distribution. In the following code we do this for both the
precipitation and the temperature and then multiply the values to get a
joint suitability over the two environmental niches. The user could also
define their own function to calculate the suitability.
Note the use of the self
keyword in the function. In
this context, self
refers to the species that the process
is attached to. This means that the function can access the species
traits and modify them and also access the environment (each species
holds a reference to the simulation it was created in).
species = c("species_1", "species_2"),
process_name = "calculate_suitability",
process_fun = function() {
self$traits$climate_suitability <-
# The following acceses the "current" environment
# of a time step
# (i.e. from the raster layer, that corresponds
# to the current time step)
# For user convenice, this "current" environment
# is converted to a plain matrix,
# to allow easier calculations
) *
execution_priority = 1
#> adding process: calculate_suitability
#> to species:
#> [1] "species_1" "species_2"
For the reproduction process we can use a built in function
that implements the “classic”
Ricker reproduction model (Ricker, W.E. (1954) compare
also: Cabral,
J.S. and Schurr, F.M. (2010)) [Ref. 4 & 5].
species = c("species_1", "species_2"),
process_name = "reproduction",
process_fun = function() {
# first let the carrying capacity
# depend on the climate suitability
self$traits$carrying_capacity <-
self$traits$carrying_capacity *
# let the reproduction rate
# depend on the habitat quality
self$traits$reproduction_rate <-
self$traits$reproduction_rate *
# use a ricker reproduction model
# to calculate the new abundance
self$traits$abundance <-
execution_priority = 2
#> adding process: reproduction
#> to species:
#> [1] "species_1" "species_2"
To apply the dispersal kernel to the abundance of the species, we can
use the dispersal()
function. It takes the dispersal kernel
and applies it to each population (grid cell) of the species and then
returns the dispersed abundance. In other fields this process is known
as a 2D convolution and e.g. used when blurring an image. Therfore one
can think of the dispersal in a similar way, as a “blurring” of the
species abundance over the landscape. Note that you can also use
indexing to access the traits of a species (which is
actually slightly faster than $
species = c("species_1", "species_2"),
process_name = "dispersal_process",
process_fun = function() {
self$traits[["abundance"]] <- dispersal(
abundance = self$traits[["abundance"]],
dispersal_kernel = self$traits[["dispersal_kernel"]])
execution_priority = 3
#> adding process: dispersal_process
#> to species:
#> [1] "species_1" "species_2"
Executing the simulation
After all species, traits and processes are added to the simulation,
it can be executed via the begin()
method. To reduce the
amount of output while the simulation is running, we’ll set the
verbosity to 1.
#> Starting simualtion.
#> start of time step: 1
#> end of time step: 1
#> 0.41 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 10 % done
#> start of time step: 2
#> end of time step: 2
#> 0.58 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 20 % done
#> start of time step: 3
#> end of time step: 3
#> 0.34 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 30 % done
#> start of time step: 4
#> end of time step: 4
#> 0.28 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 40 % done
#> start of time step: 5
#> end of time step: 5
#> 0.22 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 50 % done
#> start of time step: 6
#> end of time step: 6
#> 0.22 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 60 % done
#> start of time step: 7
#> end of time step: 7
#> 0.16 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 70 % done
#> start of time step: 8
#> end of time step: 8
#> 0.1 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 80 % done
#> start of time step: 9
#> end of time step: 9
#> 0.043 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 90 % done
#> start of time step: 10
#> end of time step: 10
#> 0 secs remaining (estimate)
#> 100 % done
#> Simulation: 'example_simulation' finished
#> Exiting the Simulation
#> Runtime: 0.52 secs
Plotting the results
To investigate the results, you can use the plot()
function. Note that the following two functions essentially plot the
same, the only difference is that the first one calls
on the simulation object while the second one calls
on the species object
# define a nice color palette
plot_cols <- hcl.colors(100, "Purple-Yellow", rev = TRUE)
obj = "species_1",
name = "abundance",
main = "Species 1: abundance",
col = plot_cols

Figure 6: The resulting abundance distribution of species 1 after 10 simulation time steps.
trait = "abundance",
main = "Species 2: abundance",
col = plot_cols

Figure 7: The resulting abundance distribution of species 2 after 10 simulation time steps.
Saving the simulation
To save results you can use the save_species()
This will save the (possibly specified) traits of a species, either as a
raster (.tif) or as a text (.csv) file, whatever is more appropriate for
the data. Note that this function does not save the species
processes. One should keep a copy of the script that is used to run the
simulation to make it repeatable.
traits = c("name", "of", "one_or_more", "traits"),
path = "path/to/a/folder/"
Nathan, R., Klein, E., Robledo-Arnuncio, J.J. and Revilla, E. (2012) Dispersal kernels: review. in: Dispersal Ecology and Evolution pp. 187–210. (eds J. Clobert, M. Baguette, T.G. Benton and J.M. Bullock), Oxford, UK: Oxford Academic, 2013. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199608898.003.0015
Yin, X., Kropff, M.J., McLaren, G., Visperas, R.M., (1995) A nonlinear model for crop development as a function of temperature, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 77, Issues 1-2, Pages 1–16, doi:10.1016/0168-1923(95)02236-Q
Yan, W., Hunt, L.A. (1999) An Equation for Modelling the Temperature Response of Plants using only the Cardinal Temperatures, Annals of Botany, Volume 84, Issue 5, Pages 607–614, ISSN 0305-7364, doi:10.1006/anbo.1999.0955
Ricker, W.E. (1954) Stock and recruitment. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 11, 559–623. doi:10.1139/f54-039
Cabral, J.S. and Schurr, F.M. (2010) Estimating demographic models for the range dynamics of plant species. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19, 85–97. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2009.00492.x
Here is the function that is used to generate the example landscape.
create_example_landscape <- function() {
create_land <- function() {
sample_size <- 100
n_cells <- 100
res <- terra::disagg(
replace = TRUE,
prob = sin(seq(0.05, pi-0.05, length.out = sample_size))
nrow = sqrt(n_cells),
ncol = sqrt(n_cells)
) / 100
ext(res) <- c(0, 100, 0, 100)
temperature <- create_land() * 20 + 273.15
temperature <- rep(temperature, 10)
precipitation <- create_land() * 1000
precipitation <- rep(precipitation, 10)
habitat <- create_land()
habitat <- rep(habitat, 10)
landscape <- terra::sds(temperature, precipitation, habitat)
names(landscape) <- c("temperature", "precipitation", "habitat")