Creates an metaRangeEnvironment object in form of an R6 class that stores and handles the environmental values that influence the species in the simulation.
Public fields
A SpatRasterDataset created by
that holds all the environmental values influencing the simulation. Note that the individual data sets should be sensibly named as their names will used throughout the simulation to refer to them.current
an R environment that holds all the environmental values influencing the present / current time step of the simulation. These values are copies of the current layers of the respective individual data sets in the sourceSDS and they are stored as regular 2D R matrices under the same name given to the corresponding sub data set in the sourceSDS. These matrices are updated automatically at the beginning of each time step.
Method new()
Creates a new metaRangeEnvironment object. This is done automatically when a simulation is created. There is no need to call this as user.
metaRangeEnvironment$new(sourceSDS = NULL)
created byterra::sds()
that holds all the environmental values influencing the simulation. Note that the individual data sets should be sensibly named as their names will used throughout the simulation to refer to them.
# Note: Only for illustration purposes.
# The environment is automatically created when creating a simulation.
sourceSDS = terra::sds(
terra::rast(vals = 1, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
Method set_current()
Set current (active) time step / environment layer. No reason to call this as user. The current time step is set automatically by the simulation.
# Note: Only for illustration purposes.
# The time step is automatically set by the simulation.
sim_env <- terra::sds(terra::rast(vals = 1, nrow = 2, ncol = 2, nlyr = 2))
names(sim_env) <- "env_01"
env <- metaRangeEnvironment$new(sourceSDS = sim_env)
env$set_current(layer = 1)
Method print()
Prints information about the environment to the console
env <- metaRangeEnvironment$new(
sourceSDS = terra::sds(terra::rast(vals = 1, nrow = 2, ncol = 2, nlyr = 2))
## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `metaRangeEnvironment$new`
## ------------------------------------------------
# Note: Only for illustration purposes.
# The environment is automatically created when creating a simulation.
sourceSDS = terra::sds(
terra::rast(vals = 1, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#> Fields:
#> $current ==== the environment at the current time step
#> classes : all -> matrix
#> number : 0
#> names : [NULL]
#> $sourceSDS == the source raster data of the environment
#> class : SpatRasterDataset
#> subdatasets : 1
#> dimensions : 2, 2 (nrow, ncol)
#> nlyr : 1
#> resolution : 180, 90 (x, y)
#> extent : -180, 180, -90, 90 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (CRS84) (OGC:CRS84)
#> source(s) : memory
#> names : env_1
## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `metaRangeEnvironment$set_current`
## ------------------------------------------------
# Note: Only for illustration purposes.
# The time step is automatically set by the simulation.
sim_env <- terra::sds(terra::rast(vals = 1, nrow = 2, ncol = 2, nlyr = 2))
names(sim_env) <- "env_01"
env <- metaRangeEnvironment$new(sourceSDS = sim_env)
env$set_current(layer = 1)
## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `metaRangeEnvironment$print`
## ------------------------------------------------
env <- metaRangeEnvironment$new(
sourceSDS = terra::sds(terra::rast(vals = 1, nrow = 2, ncol = 2, nlyr = 2))
#> Fields:
#> $current ==== the environment at the current time step
#> classes : all -> matrix
#> number : 0
#> names : [NULL]
#> $sourceSDS == the source raster data of the environment
#> class : SpatRasterDataset
#> subdatasets : 1
#> dimensions : 2, 2 (nrow, ncol)
#> nlyr : 2
#> resolution : 180, 90 (x, y)
#> extent : -180, 180, -90, 90 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (CRS84) (OGC:CRS84)
#> source(s) : memory
#> names : env_1