08: Advanced options
Fallert, S. and Cabral, J.S.
More realistic and complicated simulations may require a more
advanced setup. This vignette will cover some of the more advanced /
hidden features of the metaRange
Time layer mapping
The setup and processing of the environmental SDS
take quite some time, especially when the environmental data is large.
In order to save the user time, the method
allows the user to define a custom
mapping between the time steps and the layers of the environmental
raster. Use cases may be:
- In case of static environment -> use the same environmental raster layer for all time steps.
- Shortening or lengthening the number of time steps of the simulation.
- Using a “burn-in” period to let the simulation state reach a semi-equilibrium, before the main simulation begins.
Default mapping
The default configuration is that each layer in the environment represents one time step of the simulation. I.e:
#> Warning: package 'metaRange' was built under R version 4.3.3
#> metaRange version: 1.1.4
#> terra 1.7.55
raster_file <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package = "terra")
r <- rast(raster_file)
temperature <- scale(r, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE) * 10 + 273.15
precipitation <- r * 2
temperature <- rep(temperature, 10)
precipitation <- rep(precipitation, 10)
landscape <- sds(temperature, precipitation)
names(landscape) <- c("temperature", "precipitation")
sim <- create_simulation(landscape)
#> [1] 10
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Static environment
To use the same environmental raster (i.e. the first one) for all time steps, one can use:
sim$set_time_layer_mapping(rep_len(1, 10))
#> [1] 10
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Changing the number of time steps
In the same way described above, one can also pick the specific layer that are used and shorten the simulation length.
sim$set_time_layer_mapping(c(2, 4, 6))
#> [1] 3
#> [1] 2 4 6
Global variables and processes
In metaRange
each species is described by its own
biologically relevant processes and traits. However, there may be cases
where the user wants to define a global variable or process that is
shared between all species, either to store intermediate results that
don’t belong to one species or processes to visualize or store output.
This can be done by using the add_globals()
function for
adding global variables and the add_process()
function with
no species
argument specified, for adding global processes.
The global variables and processes are accessible through the
and processes
fields of the simulation
object itself, respectively. The benefit of using a global process is
that the self
keyword refers to the simulation object
itself, which allows for easier indexing across multiple species.
mean_abundance_over_time = list(
"species_one" = c(),
"species_two" = c()
# ... more global variables
# Note the missing species argument
process_name = "global_process",
process_fun = function() {
# self = simulation object
# easy access to simulation functions
for (sp in self$species_names()) {
self$globals$mean_abundance_over_time[[sp]] <-
execution_priority = 1
#> Process name: global_process
#> PID: PID-1531863641-global_process-simulation_7ab20e41
#> execution_priority: 1
#> execution_environment_label: simulation_7ab20e41
#> $fun: function() {
#> # self = simulation object
#> # easy access to simulation functions
#> for (sp in self$species_names()) {
#> self$globals$mean_abundance_over_time[[sp]] <-
#> c(
#> self$globals$mean_abundance_over_time[[sp]],
#> mean(self[[sp]]$traits$abundance)
#> )
#> }
#> }
#> <environment: 0x00000118965d7338>
Interaction with the priority queue
With some study questions, it may not be desired to simulate all
species from the first time step. For example, when simulating invasion
dynamics, one may want to have a burn-in period without the invasive
species present and then introduce it after this point. Aditionally,
there may be the need to simulate a species for a period of time and
then remove it from the simulation (e.g. there is no point in
calculating the reproduction of a species that has gone extinct). To
accommodate this, metaRange
allows the user to manually add
and remove processes from the priority queue during the simulation.
Queuing a process
The default behavior of add_process()
is to directly add
the process to the priority queue (so that is is executed in the first
time step). Setting the argument queue = FALSE
will add the
process to the simulation, but not to the priority queue. In that case,
the user has at any point during the simulation the option to add the
process to the priority queue using the enqueue()
method of
the priority queue.
sim <- create_simulation(landscape)
sim$add_species(name = "species_1")
species = "species_1",
process_name = "invasion",
process_fun = function() {
message("Species invades!")
execution_priority = 1,
# Note the queue = FALSE argument
queue = FALSE
process_name = "activate_species_1",
process_fun = function() {
message(paste0("time step: ", self$get_current_time_step()))
# Note that when manually changing the queue,
# the changes will take place in the
# _next_ time step
# e.g. the following will lead to the process
# being first executed in time step 4)
if (self$get_current_time_step() == 3) {
message("Activating species 1")
for (pr in self$species_1$processes) {
execution_priority = 1
#> time step: 1
#> time step: 2
#> time step: 3
#> Activating species 1
#> time step: 4
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 5
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 6
#> Species invades!
Dequeue a process
The dequeue()
function of the priority queue allows the
user to remove a process from the priority queue.
sim <- create_simulation(landscape)
sim$add_species(name = "species_1")
species = "species_1",
process_name = "invasion",
process_fun = function() {
message("Species invades!")
execution_priority = 1,
process_name = "stop_invasion",
process_fun = function() {
message(paste0("time step: ", self$get_current_time_step()))
if (self$get_current_time_step() == 3) {
message("Extiction species 1")
for (pr in self$species_1$processes) {
# Here we are querying the process ID,
# which is a unique identifier for each process
# so that the priority queue knows what to remove
execution_priority = 1
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 1
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 2
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 3
#> Extiction species 1
#> time step: 4
#> time step: 5
#> time step: 6
Ending the simulation early
To end the simulation safely, before the last time step, the user can
use the exit()
method of the simulation. This will end the
simulation at the end of the process it is called inside of. A possible
use case would be to conditionally end the simulation if all species are
sim <- create_simulation(landscape)
sim$add_species(name = "species_1")
species = "species_1",
process_name = "invasion",
process_fun = function() {
message("Species invades!")
execution_priority = 1,
process_name = "end_simualtion",
process_fun = function() {
message(paste0("time step: ", self$get_current_time_step()))
if (self$get_current_time_step() == 4) {
message("Ending simulation early")
execution_priority = 1
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 1
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 2
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 3
#> Species invades!
#> time step: 4
#> Ending simulation early